Friday, June 20, 2014

The Red Wristband

When you are admitted to a hospital, they place on your wrist a white wristband with your name on it. But there are other different colored wristbands which symbolize other things. The red wristbands are placed on dead people.
There was one surgeon who worked on night shift in a school hospital. He had just finished an operation and was on his way down to the basement. He entered the elevator and there was just one other person there. He casually chatted with the woman while the elevator descended. When the elevator door opened, another woman was about to enter when the doctor slammed the close button and punched the button to the highest floor. Surprised, the woman reprimanded the doctor for being rude and asked why he did not let the other woman in.
The doctor said, “That was the woman I just operated on. She died while I was doing the operation. Didn’t you see the red wristband she was wearing?”
The woman smiled, raised her arm, and said, “Something like this?”

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Black Tears


This happened when I was into my second year of Medical School. Usually we had to stay back in the hospitals either to assist the seniors or work over our cases. Let me confess that I, being the first doctor in our family, was never used to seeing so much of blood, pain & death lying around - not to mention the nauseous smell of the medicines & chemicals. Most of my first year went into crying for home, puking during practical and crying more...

It was in the month of August that I and my classmate Sheena stayed back in the morgue to complete our case studies. Just the same morning, a critical case had arrived in the hospital wherein a woman of 29 was badly hit by a speeding car. The woman breathed her last about an hour after being admitted to the ICU. Her family, including her parents, her two daughters and her relatives were mourning endlessly. Apparently, the woman was a widow - her daughters were crying dreadfully, kneeling before their mother's dead body. Me and Sheena were horrified watching the total chaos.

It was around 9 pm and we were working over an teenage accident case. Suddenly, we realized that the dead widow was lying just two bodies away. We were overcome with whist of fear and depression, especially because we had seen that very woman pass away this morning. We started talking about what would happen to her little daughters and her parents.

All of a sudden, Sheena shrieked and pointed out horrifyingly at the woman. I turned around and saw that black tears were trickling down the dead woman's eyes. I was shocked for a moment but then I thought this might be some kind of biological reaction (something like rigor mortis. I told Sheena to calm down - I told her this might be some kind of after-death reaction and we should note it down so that we can ask our professors about it. This calmed Sheena for a while.

However, after 5 mins, we could hear distinct noises - more of moans coming out of the woman's body. Tears continued to trickle down. It was as if the woman was either alive somewhere and moaning or she dead and repenting it. Either ways, I and Sheena were scared and ran out to call for help. Our seniors came inside and checked the body. Surprisingly, there were no moans - the body was lying as cold as ever.

Today, even after 5 years, we still have this memory fresh in our mind.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Highway to Hell


Manohar  felt great. He had the road all to himself. For hours his only company had been the thousands of tiny insects dancing in the beams of the headlights.
Cool mountain air rushed into the cab through the open window. It carried a hint of rain, but the sky was cloudless, marked only by the countless sparkling stars and the thin glow of a crescent moon.
The feeling of freedom and power as he pressed down on the accelerator was overwhelming - almost intoxicating. Only one thing bothered him at the moment. He didn't know where he was.
Not that he was lost.  Manohar never got lost, at least not for very long. He just didn't know where he was. Or why. Or how he'd come to be there, or where he was going.
He was just driving, all alone, in the middle of nowhere, for no reason that he could remember.
He knew other drivers who would fall into a semi-sleep at the wheel. They'd experience a temporary disorientation. But  Manohar knew that he hadn't dozed off. He was wide awake, and fully aware of everything around him.
He thought back, trying to remember when he'd stopped last
Two days before he'd been in Forest road. That's where Sara lived, so he certainly couldn't forget that.
After Forest road.. Nothing. Two days were missing.
He looked straight ahead through the darkness, trying to find the telltale dome of light of a city or town. Eventually he must come across a town - something that would give him his bearings. The road stretched out, surrounded by dense forest, on and on, with no signs of ever ending. The view in the mirror was the same.
The radio was silent. Its light tried to tell him that it was working, but nothing came through the speaker but soft static. Every channel was the same. Either he was too far from any transmitter, or absolutely nobody was on the air.
Without warning a man appeared in the road ahead. In the frightening and helpless second before collision,  Manohar saw that the man was just standing there, arms raised, and smiling.
 Manohar's hands automatically tightened on the wheel. There was no impact. No thud.  Manohar clearly saw the image of the man slide through the cab and then disappears through the back wall of the van.
 Manohar braked hard and fought to keep the van from going out of control. The right wheels bit into the gravel of the shoulder and sent up a wake of dust. Just inches from a large and very hard tree the van came to a stop.
Adrenalin shot through his veins as he hopped from the van. He looked back through the darkness and saw that the man was now walking toward him, and still smiling. Just fifty yards away the man stopped, and then waved.
"Hello. I was wondering if you'd be by tonight. I've been waiting for you."
 Manohar felt the blood rush to his face, leaving a streak of icy cold along his spine. His hand was shaking badly. Fighting a desperate flood of panic he reached into the van and pulled out a large wrench.
"Hold it right there, Man," he commanded.
The man shrugged. "Okay, if that's what you want. But you might as well put the wrench away. It won't do you any good."
"Step closer and we'll see just how much good it does. Now who the hell are you, and what do you want with me?"
"It doesn't really matter who I am. You're  Manohar , right?"
"Yeah.  So what?"
"Well,  Manohar, I've come to release you from this world."
The chill along his spine exploded, spreading a tingling numbness all through his body. Breath came hard. The man began walking toward him again, arms open.
"Stand where you are!"  Manohar screamed.
The man ignored it, and was smiling even wider than before. "There's no need to be afraid,  Manohar. Accept it, and it will be much easier.
Using both hands  Manohar raised the wrench and hurled it at the approaching stranger. It sailed through him and slid along the road behind.
"Calm down,  Manohar. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm going to help you. I'm here to release you from this world."
 Manohar tightened his fists, knowing very well that all his strength wouldn't help him against this . . . this creature of darkness. "How can I fight a ghost?" he thought in panic.
The man came very close before he stopped, and then stood looking at  Manohar and smiling. "Being dead isn't so bad. You'll see."
"But I don't want to be dead!"
"I'm afraid you have no choice,  Manohar. There's nothing you can do about it." The man opened his arms again, as if to take  Manohar into his embrace.
 Manohar backed up quickly and yelled, "Get away from me. No spook is going to touch me!"
The man smiled and lowered his arms. "Do you know what a ghost is, really?"
A drop of sweat fell down  Manohar's nose and into his mouth. "Yeah. They're dead people."
"Not all dead people are ghosts, but you're right, in a way. Some who have died just wander around, and won't let go of this physical world. They sometimes stay around the spot where they died - such as this road."
Cold kept spreading through  Manohar until now he was shivering. He swallowed hard, trying to remove the grapefruit sized lump in his throat. "Then why don't you just leave!!! Why do you want to go haunting a road for?"
The stranger stared at  Manohar, the smile gone. "You don't understand yet, do you  Manohar? It's not me who's haunting this road. I'm quite alive. You are the ghost. You died on this road thirteen days ago and have been driving it ever since. Now you can leave. There's no reason for you to stay lost any longer.

"You're dead,  Manohar."


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Remember me

Remember me .....

In the cold of the winter I still remember when we felt our love
For the first time
And we were walking all night
To taste our fear of darkness
Every time when I looking in your eyes
I see sorrow of love
And you still let me to touch your pure heart
Remember how we had our dreams
And we suppose to share them
But now dark angel took them away from us
In the midnight when moon and stars shows up
And we were dancing all night
Can you remember it?
And when you kiss me it makes me feel alive
And the touch full of passion
It makes me like I am in heaven

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Tales from the Dark Chapter- 2


Once Upon a Time, a girl named Alice lived in a castle with her step-sister and her step-sister's boy-friend. Alice and her sister hated each other. One day, Alice stole her step-sister's wedding ring and ran away. Her sister sent out guards to find Alice. When they found her, they brought her to the castle of the prince (the step-sister's boyfriend / Jax). That night when the guards came back with, Alice the step-sister and the prince were sitting in front of the lit fireplace. The step-sister grabbed the ring and threw Alice into the fire. When the fire was out, all that was left of Alice was a part of her throat, the esophagus.

To this day, Alice is still looking for her sister to kill her. Of course, her sister is already dead but her spirit still exists. Go into the bathroom, in front of the mirror. Take a candle with you and light it. Turn off all of the lights except the candle and say her  name thirteen times (Alice...) and open your eyes, you might see her. But be careful, because every eight years is Friday the 13th  of February and if you ever mention her name in your life, on the 13th  she will give you a fright night because that is the night she got killed. The last time that it was a Friday the 13th.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Tales from the Dark Chapter- 1

K.D. (Kamalika Das) lives in a small area of Assam called Abhayapuri, where there is little more than gas stations, schools, houses and cows. She usually considered this place rather boring, but one night a few days before Halloween would change all that for her.

On this night, K.D. was driving her boyfriend to his house at about 8:30 p.m. being a person who says she can almost always sense imminent danger or evil, K.D.'s heart began to beat rapidly. For some unknown reason, chills ran down her spine and she began to perspire, even though she had the car's AC on full blast. "I was getting an eerie feeling that something evil was up ahead," she says.

We are all familiar with how an animal's eyes glow in a creepy way when a light is shone into them. "Up the hill about two minutes from my house, a black dog walked right in front of my car," K.D says. She thought it was peculiar that the animal was just casually walking across the road without any apparent fear of getting hit by her car. "I hit the brakes and managed to stop about five feet from the dog," she remembers. "It just stood there and stared at me. I turned on my high beams, and when I saw its eyes, they were a golden reddish tint. It stood there for about a minute, then walked away. I hit the gas and sped off, terrified. But when I looked back, the dog was nowhere in sight."

K.D. proceeded home but could not shake the weird feeling of dread that overcame her before and during her encounter with that black dog. Was it a harbinger of something more terrifying? K.D. believes it was a catalyst for a very disturbing dream a few nights later.

"I dreamed that I was in my room listening to music when it all of a sudden stopped," she recalls vividly. "I looked at my iPod and it was still playing, but there was no sound. I looked at my door and there was a man in a black trench coat staring at me. It wasn't the fact that there was a man in my room that freaked me out, it was his face. It was red with black cracks all over, and he had horns. His eyes were a deep gold with no pupil, and he had long fangs coming out of his mouth.

"I just sat there staring at him. Then he said, 'It's time....' And that's when I noticed a watch in his left hand. When he spoke, his breath came out as smoke and reeked of burning spoiled meat. He made a grab for my neck and that's when I woke up. The first smell that came to me was burning spoiled meat."

Monday, July 1, 2013

11.11.11. in Muzaffarpur

My name is Niki from Barauni,Begusarai, (Bihar).
 Since my childhood I've had several paranormal experiences. I always felt I could see and feel the supernatural. Being a kid, nobody believed me so I rather keep my experiences to myself and related it to those who faced similar experiences. This incident occurred when I was in Muzaffarpur during my college days. I used to rent a flat with five other girls. The flat was a two-story building with just two houses.
One was ours and the other on the second floor belonged to two old ladies who never really interacted with us. They were weird anyways. It was a huge flat with three very big rooms. I used to stay in a single room, four girls in adjacent room and the last room was given to another girl. The four girls opted to stay together in the same room. There was a dining area in the centre with kitchen opposite to it. I always found the dining area very weird as the walls were black, as if they were burnt. Three girls from the adjacent room used to work in call centers, so they arrived at 2:00am each day. That night Shweta (the girl from their group), the last room girl and I were chatting until late night in my room and we didn't realize when the clock struck 2:00 am. The other girls (Fatima, Moon and Neha) rang the bell. Now, we had a grill at the building entrance and the flat was in the floor, so we had to go down to the ground floor to open the gate if somebody comes at night. So Shweta and the last room girl went downstairs to open the gate for them. I was alone in the flat. Suddenly both of them came running. I was surprised and asked them what happened? They looked at me and said, "Niki, why did you shout so loudly and we could hear a loud sound". I was surprised. How is it possible for me not to hear that loud sound and shout in that 2:00 am silent night? We found it very strange but ignored the incident. Days passed by quite normally, but each one of us in the flat always felt a spooky presence when alone. That day was my last day in that house. All other girls had already shifted to different places. I found a place for myself too, and it was the last night I had to spend in that house. I remember all my furniture was already shifted to the new house. All I had in the house was my double bed mattress and a pair of clothes for me to wear for the next day. It was around 12:30 am. I was speaking over the phone and lying on my mattress, which was placed on the floor as the bed was already shifted. The room door was closed (not locked). Suddenly the door opened of its own. Please bear in mind the door was a heavy wood door which cannot be moved by wind because first, it was tight. And second, it was an old age thick heavy door found in old houses. When the door opened, it moved me back. I could clearly sense somebody in the room. I kept my phone down. I was horrified by then. I could not move. I was still lying on the mattress.
 It was complete silence. I could hear somebody breathing. I could hear somebody walking on the floor barefoot. The sound was very clear and distinct. I wanted to move but could not. Somehow I gathered the courage to pick up the cell phone lying beside me and dialed my mom's number. I was crying and told my mom whatever was happening to me each second. My mother got to know immediately what it was and gave me the courage to fight the evil. She made me realize that power of God is always there to protect me.
 I always carry my God's picture in my purse. I somehow managed to grab my purse and take out God's picture. It gave me strength. I stated chanting the name of Lord repeatedly and could feel the energy fading.
 I then felt alone. Very alone. The whole night I could not sleep for a second. I continuously chanted prayers and waited for the sun to arise. Many days later, after moving from that flat, I was once passing from the same area with some of my other friends and told them about my incident. One of my friends who stays near that same flat said that it was a haunted house and the whole area knows it. It once caught fire killing a man.

Real incident  send by Niki Jha.