Sunday, August 9, 2015



Throughout the annals of history, a plethora of myths and superstitions have sprouted from the enigmatic world of mirrors and reflections. One of the most ubiquitous superstitions we've all encountered pertains to the ominous consequences of breaking a mirror – a seemingly innocent act believed to bestow seven years of ill fortune upon the careless transgressor. Yet, perhaps even more disconcerting is the profound connection ascribed to mirrors in relation to the human soul.


The prevailing notion is that mirrors, by virtue of their ability to capture one's reflection, also possess a fragment of one's essence. In certain cultures, it is believed that mirrors can even reflect the presence of an individual's very soul.


Undoubtedly, these deeply entrenched beliefs have given rise to an assortment of superstitions and customs. Some of these convictions likely originated in a time when mirrors were scarce and of subpar quality, particularly in the pre-industrial era of Kurseong, West Bengal, where they often produced grossly distorted images. In fact, numerous cultures hold that the reflection in a mirror mirrors an alternate world or dimension, serving as a portal to the spirit realm. In this realm, the natural order is inverted; darkness becomes light, good is transmuted into evil, and day morphs into night, creating a topsy-turvy reflection of our reality.


Not surprisingly, it is posited that souls residing in this alternate realm seek to return to our dimension, exploiting the reflection in a mirror as a gateway.


Traditionally in Kurseong, it is customary to turn mirrors to face the wall upon the passing of a household member. The belief is that if the departing spirit catches sight of its own reflection, it may choose to reanimate the body. In certain regions of Kurseong, this practice extends to the act of emptying all water containers, as the liquid's reflective property is thought to provide a medium through which the disembodied soul can find its way back. Romania takes this notion a step further, where all water containers are covered at night, under the belief that spirits roam during those hours and could inadvertently drown in water. In alignment with the philosophy of wandering spirits, Romanians also hold the belief that opening doors and windows at the moment of a loved one's demise facilitates the spirit's passage from this world to the next.


In stark contrast, the inhabitants of Macedonia deliberately place containers of water at gravesides, aiming to ensnare any malevolent spirits that may lurk within, thereby averting nocturnal torments.


All these myths collectively contribute to the idea that water and malevolence are an incompatible mix, which may partially explain the water-defeating fate of the wicked witch in "The Wizard of Oz."


Yet, apprehensions surrounding reflections were not confined to water and mirrors alone. Eyes were also regarded as vessels capable of trapping souls through their reflective qualities, leading to the practice of averting one's gaze from the deceased. It was believed that the visage of death reflected in the eyes of a corpse could be transmitted to onlookers, sealing their fate with an inexorable and imminent demise.


Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Consequences of Midnight


  It all started when I met my first husband, I was only 18 years old and strange things began to happen as soon as he entered my life. I always had a feeling of someone watching over me, but it wasn't until we became engaged when I was 19 where I first saw what I can only describe as a ghost.
It was a Monday morning, very early about 1 in the morning and I heard a whisper of "don't trust him, please don't trust him", I put this down to being in a sleepy state and ignored it. At exactly 3:00 that same night I woke to a man at the end of my bed just watching me, he had no face and I couldn't make out anything apart from that the figure was that of a man, it was just a black figure.

Needless to say I ran out the room terrified into my parent's bedroom who both described me as being "incredibly pale and looking fearful". After this I refused point blank to move back into my bedroom, I moved into my little sisters bedroom who I shared with, and then roughly 2 months later, again at 3:00 on a Monday morning I was awoken to the same figure walking around my little sisters bed while she slept just watching her, as I darted up he just vanished.

After discovering that no matter where I slept it appeared this would still happen I moved back into my bedroom, again on a Monday morning at 3:00 I was awoken with the man whispering "watch him, be careful just watch him". During that month a smell of what I can only describe as drainage and death appeared in my bedroom, literally just in my bedroom, as soon as you went past the doorway when leaving the room the smell would vanish, we called out the plumbers who cleared all the pipes running through my room but insisted that all pipes were clear, the smell lasted a week and then just faded away.

I then married my partner and moved into a house a street away from my parents, turns out my husband wasn't such a nice man, he cheated on me constantly and after a year we got into a fight which resulted in me being strangled and getting a broken finger. I left my husband and remained in our house on my own for 6 months, during my time in the house I found a young girl in a long white night dress playing hide and seek with my living room door.

She appeared every time I had a low day and thought about trying again with my husband. I never did, I moved back in with my parents. During my time in the bad marriage my mum hired a medium who described our family so well; my father’s job, my brothers personality everything, so my mum questioned here about someone being un the house but she said there was no man, just a naughty young boy who was harmless.

Little did I know but my Nan in the Dover Lane had also been to see a Medium. It was a group session and my Nan was picked out from the crowd with the lady stating "you have a grandchild who can see things, she has a gift but doesn't know how to use it yet" my Nan has over 40 grand children but she insists it’s me that she was told about.

I am now married again to a wonderful man, but as most people he has a history and comes with an ex wife and a daughter, I get on incredibly well with my step daughter but sadly my husband and myself have problems with his ex wife. I let things bother me and upset me, and when things get too much for me I wake in the night with what feels like a reassuring hand on my head.

Sadly I also have feelings of being attacked in my sleep, once it was a brutal attack, I myself wasn't moving, I woke in the same spot as I fell asleep, but I really felt like I had been attacked I was covered in sweat and was very scared. I have also had the feeling if someone pulling at my feet while I sleep... This always occurs when my husband is away working.

I also had a dream about 6 months ago of 3 people arguing saying "she's not ready yet" over and over again.

Basically I would like to know... What on earth is happening to me? Has someone been warning me? Or is someone tormenting me?

Thursday, February 12, 2015

14th Feb


 A doctor entered the hospital in hurry after being called in for an urgent surgery.
 He answered the call asap, changed his clothes and went directly to the surgery block.
 He found the boy’s father pacing in the hall waiting for the doctor.
 On seeing him, the father yelled, “Why did you take all this time to come? 
 Don’t you know that my son’s life is in danger? 
 Don’t you have any sense of responsibility?”
 Hey.. wait a minute today is Valentine’s Day. So you are in a fancy date with your lady?
 Am I right doctor?
 The doctor smiled and said, “I am sorry, I wasn't in the hospital and I came as fast as
 I could. after receiving the call and now, I wish you’d calm down so that I can do my
 work”. “Calm down?
 What if your son was in this room right now, would you calm down? 
 If your own son dies while waiting for doctor than what will you do?” 
 said the father angrily.
 The doctor smiled again and replied, “We will do our best by God’s grace and
  you should also pray for your son’s healthy life”.
  “Giving advises when we’re not concerned is so easy” Murmured the father.

 The surgery took
 some hours after which the doctor went out happy, “Thank goodness! Your son is
 saved!” And without waiting for the father’s reply he carried on his way
 running by saying, “If you have any questions, ask the nurse”.
 “Why is he so arrogant? 
 He couldn't wait some minutes so that I ask about my son’s state”
 Commented the father when seeing the nurse minutes after the doctor left.
 The nurse answered, tears coming down her face, 
“His son died yesterday in a road       accident, he was at the way to burial ground when we called him for your son’s surgery. 
 And now that he saved your son’s life, he left running to finish his son’s burial.”

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Breathing heavily, my eyes begin to burn. I start to freeze from my toes to the top of my head. Inside feels cold and broken as if I was dead. I get the eager to have a taste of blood. The thought rolls in my mind for a few minutes. Hunger builds up inside, before I get the chance to move I fall to the ground. My eye site is gone.

I open my eyes and see nothing but darkness around me. I get up slowly, my body is very weak. I start to smell something that makes me want to go after it. So I run towards the smell like I was hunting for food. I reach where the smell was coming from, my eyes become wide. My fane’s grow, and I bit down on the animal that I had been after. The taste of blood flows through my body. Soon as I am full, I get a boost of energy as if I had been reborn.

I wipe the blood off my face. My eyes go back to normal and my fane’s go back to their normal size. I look down on the ground at the animal. It was tore into pieces. My eyes begin to water as if I was crying. I think to myself ‘what have I done, who am I, or what have I become?’ those questions roll in my mind for a few minutes.

When my eyes dry, and my body calms down. I run home, and hop into the shower. I wash the blood off my skin. I look down and watch the dark blood drain down. I sit down and cry while the water is still running. I picture the animal that I had killed, and it keeps repeating in my mind over and over.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Spectral or Ghost?

Spectral or Ghost?

Rick, a 34-year-old investigator who also said he could see and hear spirits, described his role as Psychic between the home owner or business owner and the spirit world. He said his abilities began with sensing other people’s emotions when he was young, and he was eventually able to see spirits with my mind’s eye, in the same way we daydream or imagine. Rick reported that he always felt a sense of purpose to help people and explain this strange other side of life. Sina and Rick clearly believed that a higher power gave them gifts of discernment to help the living and the dead. By claiming that their abilities were present since childhood, they rooted their claims in a sense of perceived destiny.

Sina’s account is interesting in that she used the phrase dumb luck to describe his entry into paranormal investigating yet also claimed that the field chose her.

Niron, the man who believed his father was haunting his home, did not claim to be sensitive but nevertheless explained that investigating gave his life purpose. At the time I was 32 and kind of just, like, floating through life, always in the back of my mind it was like, if I die tomorrow, is anybody going to ever remember anything about me? I don’t know why it just kind of happened by dumb luck, but honestly it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

To reconcile these two aspects of his history, Niron offered a retrospective account that placed his experience within the interpretive frame of the calling. Rather than framing his experience as destiny.

Rick ‘’ Not everyone believes in ghosts, spirits and the paranormal. But are there strange goings-on in your home that you sometimes can’t explain? One possible conclusion could be that it’s haunted”

Sina “I always pray to God may god will send angels our way and protect us on these investigations.”

Niron “I am exposed to not only the paranormal, but the deepest secrets of individuals’ lives”

Chapter – 1 

Rick, believes there’s a few easy ways to tell if your house is home to spirits. And before you think that it’s only old buildings that can be haunted, think again.

1. Feelings of being watched.

2. Feelings of someone standing behind you.

3. Feelings of being touched by unseen hands.

4. Feelings of the hair on back of your neck standing up.

5. Feelings of cobwebs on your face or body.

6. Feeling a cold breeze as if someone has walked past you.

7. Dark depressing feeling, especially in one particular location.

8. Lights turning on and off, or up and down, on their own.

9. Frequent electrical problems such as lights inexplicably turning on or off, or appliances not working or acting up

10. Sounds of items being dropped – but when you go to investigate, there is nothing there.

11. Seeing unexplained shadows from the corner of your eye.

12. Strange behavior from pets in the property: e.g. dogs barking or growling at something you cannot see, cats staring in a particular area as if they can see someone.

13. Hearing voices, whispers, footsteps, thuds or someone calling your name.

14. Mists or unexplained moving shapes.

15. Unusual smells such as unexplained perfume scents, flowers, cigars, cigarettes, food or even the stench of death and decay.


Friday, June 20, 2014

The Red Wristband

When you are admitted to a hospital, they place on your wrist a white wristband with your name on it. But there are other different colored wristbands which symbolize other things. The red wristbands are placed on dead people.
There was one surgeon who worked on night shift in a school hospital. He had just finished an operation and was on his way down to the basement. He entered the elevator and there was just one other person there. He casually chatted with the woman while the elevator descended. When the elevator door opened, another woman was about to enter when the doctor slammed the close button and punched the button to the highest floor. Surprised, the woman reprimanded the doctor for being rude and asked why he did not let the other woman in.
The doctor said, “That was the woman I just operated on. She died while I was doing the operation. Didn’t you see the red wristband she was wearing?”
The woman smiled, raised her arm, and said, “Something like this?”

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Black Tears


This happened when I was into my second year of Medical School. Usually we had to stay back in the hospitals either to assist the seniors or work over our cases. Let me confess that I, being the first doctor in our family, was never used to seeing so much of blood, pain & death lying around - not to mention the nauseous smell of the medicines & chemicals. Most of my first year went into crying for home, puking during practical and crying more...

It was in the month of August that I and my classmate Sheena stayed back in the morgue to complete our case studies. Just the same morning, a critical case had arrived in the hospital wherein a woman of 29 was badly hit by a speeding car. The woman breathed her last about an hour after being admitted to the ICU. Her family, including her parents, her two daughters and her relatives were mourning endlessly. Apparently, the woman was a widow - her daughters were crying dreadfully, kneeling before their mother's dead body. Me and Sheena were horrified watching the total chaos.

It was around 9 pm and we were working over an teenage accident case. Suddenly, we realized that the dead widow was lying just two bodies away. We were overcome with whist of fear and depression, especially because we had seen that very woman pass away this morning. We started talking about what would happen to her little daughters and her parents.

All of a sudden, Sheena shrieked and pointed out horrifyingly at the woman. I turned around and saw that black tears were trickling down the dead woman's eyes. I was shocked for a moment but then I thought this might be some kind of biological reaction (something like rigor mortis. I told Sheena to calm down - I told her this might be some kind of after-death reaction and we should note it down so that we can ask our professors about it. This calmed Sheena for a while.

However, after 5 mins, we could hear distinct noises - more of moans coming out of the woman's body. Tears continued to trickle down. It was as if the woman was either alive somewhere and moaning or she dead and repenting it. Either ways, I and Sheena were scared and ran out to call for help. Our seniors came inside and checked the body. Surprisingly, there were no moans - the body was lying as cold as ever.

Today, even after 5 years, we still have this memory fresh in our mind.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Highway to Hell


Manohar  felt great. He had the road all to himself. For hours his only company had been the thousands of tiny insects dancing in the beams of the headlights.
Cool mountain air rushed into the cab through the open window. It carried a hint of rain, but the sky was cloudless, marked only by the countless sparkling stars and the thin glow of a crescent moon.
The feeling of freedom and power as he pressed down on the accelerator was overwhelming - almost intoxicating. Only one thing bothered him at the moment. He didn't know where he was.
Not that he was lost.  Manohar never got lost, at least not for very long. He just didn't know where he was. Or why. Or how he'd come to be there, or where he was going.
He was just driving, all alone, in the middle of nowhere, for no reason that he could remember.
He knew other drivers who would fall into a semi-sleep at the wheel. They'd experience a temporary disorientation. But  Manohar knew that he hadn't dozed off. He was wide awake, and fully aware of everything around him.
He thought back, trying to remember when he'd stopped last
Two days before he'd been in Forest road. That's where Sara lived, so he certainly couldn't forget that.
After Forest road.. Nothing. Two days were missing.
He looked straight ahead through the darkness, trying to find the telltale dome of light of a city or town. Eventually he must come across a town - something that would give him his bearings. The road stretched out, surrounded by dense forest, on and on, with no signs of ever ending. The view in the mirror was the same.
The radio was silent. Its light tried to tell him that it was working, but nothing came through the speaker but soft static. Every channel was the same. Either he was too far from any transmitter, or absolutely nobody was on the air.
Without warning a man appeared in the road ahead. In the frightening and helpless second before collision,  Manohar saw that the man was just standing there, arms raised, and smiling.
 Manohar's hands automatically tightened on the wheel. There was no impact. No thud.  Manohar clearly saw the image of the man slide through the cab and then disappears through the back wall of the van.
 Manohar braked hard and fought to keep the van from going out of control. The right wheels bit into the gravel of the shoulder and sent up a wake of dust. Just inches from a large and very hard tree the van came to a stop.
Adrenalin shot through his veins as he hopped from the van. He looked back through the darkness and saw that the man was now walking toward him, and still smiling. Just fifty yards away the man stopped, and then waved.
"Hello. I was wondering if you'd be by tonight. I've been waiting for you."
 Manohar felt the blood rush to his face, leaving a streak of icy cold along his spine. His hand was shaking badly. Fighting a desperate flood of panic he reached into the van and pulled out a large wrench.
"Hold it right there, Man," he commanded.
The man shrugged. "Okay, if that's what you want. But you might as well put the wrench away. It won't do you any good."
"Step closer and we'll see just how much good it does. Now who the hell are you, and what do you want with me?"
"It doesn't really matter who I am. You're  Manohar , right?"
"Yeah.  So what?"
"Well,  Manohar, I've come to release you from this world."
The chill along his spine exploded, spreading a tingling numbness all through his body. Breath came hard. The man began walking toward him again, arms open.
"Stand where you are!"  Manohar screamed.
The man ignored it, and was smiling even wider than before. "There's no need to be afraid,  Manohar. Accept it, and it will be much easier.
Using both hands  Manohar raised the wrench and hurled it at the approaching stranger. It sailed through him and slid along the road behind.
"Calm down,  Manohar. I'm not here to hurt you. I'm going to help you. I'm here to release you from this world."
 Manohar tightened his fists, knowing very well that all his strength wouldn't help him against this . . . this creature of darkness. "How can I fight a ghost?" he thought in panic.
The man came very close before he stopped, and then stood looking at  Manohar and smiling. "Being dead isn't so bad. You'll see."
"But I don't want to be dead!"
"I'm afraid you have no choice,  Manohar. There's nothing you can do about it." The man opened his arms again, as if to take  Manohar into his embrace.
 Manohar backed up quickly and yelled, "Get away from me. No spook is going to touch me!"
The man smiled and lowered his arms. "Do you know what a ghost is, really?"
A drop of sweat fell down  Manohar's nose and into his mouth. "Yeah. They're dead people."
"Not all dead people are ghosts, but you're right, in a way. Some who have died just wander around, and won't let go of this physical world. They sometimes stay around the spot where they died - such as this road."
Cold kept spreading through  Manohar until now he was shivering. He swallowed hard, trying to remove the grapefruit sized lump in his throat. "Then why don't you just leave!!! Why do you want to go haunting a road for?"
The stranger stared at  Manohar, the smile gone. "You don't understand yet, do you  Manohar? It's not me who's haunting this road. I'm quite alive. You are the ghost. You died on this road thirteen days ago and have been driving it ever since. Now you can leave. There's no reason for you to stay lost any longer.

"You're dead,  Manohar."