Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Old Painting of Sannyasi


In the darkness of a stormy night, the rain battered against the windows with relentless fury, while the wind wailed like a banshee outside. Satya sat in his favorite armchair, clutching a book in his lap, but his eyes kept drifting to the old painting that hung ominously on the wall. It was a portrait of a man in It showed a Sannyasi in saffron-colored garments, holding an umbrella. The man's eyes seemed to shine in the dim light.

This painting was a legacy from his late grandfather, and from the moment it entered Satya's possession, an eerie unease had settled in his soul. It was as though the man in the painting was more than just an image—he was a presence, watching, and waiting.

Suddenly, a thunderous crash shattered the silence, emanating from the kitchen downstairs. Satya's heart leaped into his throat as he grasped a fireplace poker for protection. Step by cautious step, he descended the staircase, each creak of the wood echoing in the tense air.

Reaching the kitchen, Satya found it empty, except for the sight of the back door swinging open, rain pelting through the threshold. Fear gripped him—how could the door be open? He was certain he had locked it securely against the storm.

Steeling himself against the chill of the rain, Satya stepped outside into the darkened backyard, scanning for any sign of intrusion. The gusts of wind carried whispers that seemed almost like voices, and the trees swayed ominously as if concealing secrets within their shadows.

Just as he turned to retreat back inside, a sensation crawled up his spine—a presence behind him. Whirling around, his eyes widened in horror. There, at the edge of the woods, stood the figure from the painting. The man's eyes burned with an otherworldly light, fixed on Satya with a chilling intensity.

A scream tore from Satya's throat as he sprinted back into the safety of his house, slamming the door shut and bolting it with trembling hands. He knew instinctively that locking the doors would not keep out whatever malevolent force had breached his sanctuary.

As the night pressed on, Satya found himself drawn inexorably back to the painting. The eyes of the man in the portrait seemed to follow him, their intensity growing with each passing moment. Cold sweat trickled down Satya's back as he realized the truth—the painting was a gateway, a conduit through which something sinister had entered his world.

The doorknob rattled a slow, deliberate sound that filled the room with dread. With every inch it turned, Satya's fear deepened, knowing that the barrier between him and the unknown was about to be breached. In that terrifying moment, he understood that he was not merely facing a painting or a spectral visitor—he was facing an ancient evil that had chosen him as its next victim.

And as the door creaked open, revealing nothing but darkness beyond, Satya's final scream echoed into the night, lost amidst the howling wind and driving rain—a chilling testament to the horrors that lurk within the paintings of the past, waiting to ensnare the unwary in their sinister embrace.