Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Spectral or Ghost?

Spectral or Ghost?

Rick, a 34-year-old investigator who also said he could see and hear spirits, described his role as Psychic between the home owner or business owner and the spirit world. He said his abilities began with sensing other people’s emotions when he was young, and he was eventually able to see spirits with my mind’s eye, in the same way we daydream or imagine. Rick reported that he always felt a sense of purpose to help people and explain this strange other side of life. Sina and Rick clearly believed that a higher power gave them gifts of discernment to help the living and the dead. By claiming that their abilities were present since childhood, they rooted their claims in a sense of perceived destiny.

Sina’s account is interesting in that she used the phrase dumb luck to describe his entry into paranormal investigating yet also claimed that the field chose her.

Niron, the man who believed his father was haunting his home, did not claim to be sensitive but nevertheless explained that investigating gave his life purpose. At the time I was 32 and kind of just, like, floating through life, always in the back of my mind it was like, if I die tomorrow, is anybody going to ever remember anything about me? I don’t know why it just kind of happened by dumb luck, but honestly it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

To reconcile these two aspects of his history, Niron offered a retrospective account that placed his experience within the interpretive frame of the calling. Rather than framing his experience as destiny.

Rick ‘’ Not everyone believes in ghosts, spirits and the paranormal. But are there strange goings-on in your home that you sometimes can’t explain? One possible conclusion could be that it’s haunted”

Sina “I always pray to God may god will send angels our way and protect us on these investigations.”

Niron “I am exposed to not only the paranormal, but the deepest secrets of individuals’ lives”

Chapter – 1 

Rick, believes there’s a few easy ways to tell if your house is home to spirits. And before you think that it’s only old buildings that can be haunted, think again.

1. Feelings of being watched.

2. Feelings of someone standing behind you.

3. Feelings of being touched by unseen hands.

4. Feelings of the hair on back of your neck standing up.

5. Feelings of cobwebs on your face or body.

6. Feeling a cold breeze as if someone has walked past you.

7. Dark depressing feeling, especially in one particular location.

8. Lights turning on and off, or up and down, on their own.

9. Frequent electrical problems such as lights inexplicably turning on or off, or appliances not working or acting up

10. Sounds of items being dropped – but when you go to investigate, there is nothing there.

11. Seeing unexplained shadows from the corner of your eye.

12. Strange behavior from pets in the property: e.g. dogs barking or growling at something you cannot see, cats staring in a particular area as if they can see someone.

13. Hearing voices, whispers, footsteps, thuds or someone calling your name.

14. Mists or unexplained moving shapes.

15. Unusual smells such as unexplained perfume scents, flowers, cigars, cigarettes, food or even the stench of death and decay.